Admission Process

PROCESS: The admissions process seeks to identify for acceptance those students who are capable of undertaking and fulfilling the school’s scholastic requirements.

Enrollment and Orientation Procedures

DeSoto Private School offers ORIENTATION PROGRAMS for parents wishing to inquire about our school. These orientations are held on Thursday mornings beginning at 9:00 a.m. (approximately 2 hours).  Please call Mrs. Larson @ 972-223-6450 to schedule an enrollment interview if Thursday mornings do not work for you.   We do prefer to have orientation meetings in the mornings in order for you to see our classes in action and what a typical school morning is like.  Orientation is a requirement for admission into DeSoto Private School.

DeSoto Private School accepts children 3 years of age through 6th grade. Our hours of operation are 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. weekdays. Parents may enroll their child for Academic Classes only or Academic Classes with before and after school care. We also offer a summer program.

Call to schedule. Orientations are held Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m.  You may call and schedule an alternate day if Thursdays do not work for you.

Topics covered in our Orientation are:

– Mission Statement
– Admission Procedures
– Tuition
– Enrollment Fees and Book Fees
– Student Uniforms
– Curriculum
– Policies & Procedures
– School Calendar
– Tour of our Facilities

Please call us to inquire about the School Calendar and School Policies & Procedures before the next date of our Orientation (972) 223-6450.
Remember: Orientation is a REQUIREMENT for enrollment